( Amir Faiz Amirul aka The cHEss pIRATE in a Corporate Shirt sponsored by The OPA.
Picture taken at KLIA just before the 2PM MH162 Flight to Dubai,UNITED ARAB EMIRATES )
( Malaysian Contingent with Accompanying Supporters at WYCC 2013.
Picture taken at the Entrance to the Playing Venue )
Pictures of Amir Faiz against some of his opponents during WYCC 2013.
(Pictures courtesy of Cikgu Idris Jamal)
Round 1, 18 December 2013
v. Salamov Matin, AZERBAIJAN. Lost
Note: The opening played in this game is Push Variation, Smith-Morra Gambit, Sicilian (ECO: B20),
established by the moves 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 d3
v. Salamov Matin, AZERBAIJAN. Lost
Note: The opening played in this game is Push Variation, Smith-Morra Gambit, Sicilian (ECO: B20),
established by the moves 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 d3
Bad start to WYCC 2013. Read Blog POST
After the pushing and shoving coupled with him being unable to find his board,
he was not in the right frame of mind and lost tamely in 49moves.
After the pushing and shoving coupled with him being unable to find his board,
he was not in the right frame of mind and lost tamely in 49moves.
Salamov Matin finished the tournament with 5.5points and was ranked 80th.
( Non-English Speaking. CP asking Salamov to write down his name for the Notation Sheet )
( Exchanging of Souvenirs )
( Opening )
( Middle Game )
( Non-English Speaking. CP asking Salamov to write down his name for the Notation Sheet )
( Exchanging of Souvenirs )
( Opening )
( Middle Game )
Round 2, 19 December 2013
v. Mohit Srungarapu, KENYA. Won.
Note: The opening played in this game is Chigorin Variation, QP (ECO: D02),
established by the moves 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nc6.
Won in 39moves.
v. Mohit Srungarapu, KENYA. Won.
Note: The opening played in this game is Chigorin Variation, QP (ECO: D02),
established by the moves 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nc6.
Won in 39moves.
Mohit finished the tournament with 4 points and was ranked 141st.
Black v. Poznyak Nazar, UKRAINE. Lost
Note: The opening played in this game is Alapin; Sveshnikov Var, Sicilian; (ECO: B22),
established by the moves 1.e4 c5 2.c3.
Lost in 44 moves.
Poznyak finished the tournament with 7.5points and placed 18th.
( Round 3: Black v. Poznyak Nazar-UKRAINE. lost)
Round 4, 21 December 2013(AM)
White v. Ramazanov Aidar, KAZAKSTAN. Lost
Note: The opening played in this game is Dutch Defense; (ECO: A80),
established by the moves 1.d4 f5.
White v. Ramazanov Aidar, KAZAKSTAN. Lost
Note: The opening played in this game is Dutch Defense; (ECO: A80),
established by the moves 1.d4 f5.
Lost in 28 moves.
Though he lost this game, in my opinion this is his best game in WYCC 2013.
rook sacrifice during middle game resulted in him obtaining 3pieces (1
Bishop & 2 Pawns) and Positional Advantage. However, an end game miscalculation led to
his defeat.
Ramazanov finished the tournament with 5.5points and was ranked 82nd.
( Round 4: White v. Ramazanov Aidar-KAZAKSTAN. lost)
v. Lwanga Aguda, KENYA. Won
Note: The opening played in this game is Dragon Variation, Sicilian; (ECO: B70),
established by the moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6.
Won in 34 moves.
Lwanga finished the tournament with 3.5points and placed 156th.
Round 6, 22 December 2013
v. Nunez V. Jorge, ECUADOR. Draw
Note: The opening played in this game is Old Sicilian (ECO: B30),
established by the moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6.
His longest game thus far.
Longest Round ever played by Faiz in World Youth Chess Championships 2013 at 1hr 37mins(Game Ended 5.37PM), resulted in a Draw with ECUADOR's Nunez V.Jorge, 20mins remaining. (CP had 1:27 time left). Hence, 2 1/2points after 6 rounds of Classical Play.
Nunez finished the tournament with the same points as Faiz i.e. 4points and placed 144th.
Round 7, 23 December 2013
Andrew finished the tournament with 5.5points and was ranked 87th.
( Round 7: v. Andrew Tang-USA. lost)
v. Ohn Jeewon, SOUTH KOREA. Lost
Note: The opening played in this game is Franco-Indian Defense (ECO: A40),
established by the moves 1.d4 e6.
Lost in 31 moves after a Rook Blunder.
Ohn finished the tournament with 3.5points and placed 152nd.
( Round 8: v. Ohn Jeewon, SOUTH KOREA )
25/12 - REST DAY (Christmas)
Round 9, 26 December 2013
Black v. FM Modi Yashil, SOUTH AFRICA. Lost
Note: The opening played in this game is Marshall Defense; Knight Defense, QGD (ECO: D06),
established by the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nf6.
Lost in 35 moves.
Played his longest game ever at 2hours 15 minutes and had the FM in time trouble mode.
After 35moves - Time remaining at the end of the game, CP(1hr 4mins) v. FM's (16mins 13secs).
Despite being offered a draw he tried to go for a win against a titled player.
However, the defensive strategy adopted proved to be his undoing.
Good Game & Good Learning Curve experienced. Hope he learned a lot from this encounter.
FM Modi Yashil finished the tournament with 4.5points and placed 124th.
( Game against FM Modi Yashil. Picture is feature in Chess DB website )
Round 10, 27 December 2013
Black v. Kim Joon(7yrs), SOUTH KOREA. Win
Note: The opening played in this game is Push Variation, Smith-Morra Gambit, Sicilian (ECO: B20),
established by the moves 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 d3.
After 3 straight losses, Amir Faiz managed to win in a "line" game & avenged his defeat(also whilst playing Black) to the same player during Round 6 of the 9th Asian Schools Chess Championship in Sri Lanka earlier this year in Sept.2013.
Opponent tried to play the same winning line but CP remembered & countered with another variation to opponent's e4 opening resulting in a win after 31moves.
Time remaining, Kim(1hr 1min) v. CP(1hr 13mins).
Kim finished the tournament with 4points and placed 148th.

(27/12, Round 10: Black v. Kim Joon(7yrs), SOUTH KOREA.)
Round 11, 28 December 2013
White v. Toksombaev Sandzhar, KYRGYZSTAN. Draw
Note: The opening played in this game is Chigorin Variation, QP (ECO: D02),
established by the moves 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nc6.
Amir Faiz's most moves ever in any FIDE-rated tournament he'd played(10 events so
far, 6 in 2013)
such that an additional notation sheet had to be requested from the bewildered arbiter from Syria.
More than 80moves in around 2hrs 30minutes, resulting in a "Fighting" Draw.
such that an additional notation sheet had to be requested from the bewildered arbiter from Syria.
More than 80moves in around 2hrs 30minutes, resulting in a "Fighting" Draw.
T.Sandzhar finished the tournament with 4points and placed 151st.

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