Friday, 12 October 2012

6th UPSI Open 2012 - Have to Give It a Miss

As far back as August, the family had planned to participate in the 6th UPSI Chess Open 2012...In line with the "getting a few things done" whilst traveling to places which we would normally have no reason to go to. Tanjung Malim-Perak D.R. is one such destination.

However, the exam season put paid to those traveling intentions especially since hAnA have to "REDEEM Herself" after her "disastrous" mid-year performance this year where she'd placed in a never heard before position of 6th, mainly due to her frequent class-skipping. There were just too many days(my Guestimate is about 3weeks in total or more) spent away from school due to chess competitions(Bangsar Zone & KL Finals) and training sessions(MSSM KT preparations) as well as choral speaking appearances in TV3, NTV7 & RTM plus exhibitions.

All the best to the organisers. Hope you all take into account of the academic examinations timetable when planning for next year's event.

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