Saturday, 17 December 2016
Friday, 16 December 2016
CP's 1st International in FENCING: Y-Sparks IFC 2016
Y-Sparks International Fencing Competition(IFC) 2016 details, HERE
Back in Singapore again after last year's ASEAN Age Group.
Being his first international fencing event, honestly I don't know what to expect.
Hopefully, he can compete with his peers from other countries and have positive takebacks.
CP's FOIL events thus far for 2016:
1) Touche Grand Finals - P.Jaya, SELANGOR (13 NOV)
2) 1st SKTTDI(1) Invitational - KUALA LUMPUR (21 NOV)
3) Nationals - MFF GP3, U12 - PUTRAJAYA (15 DEC.)
1) SKTTDI Invitational
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
National Scholastic 2016 (FIDE-rated Event), 3-4 December 2016
Refer MCF WebSite HERE
For the FIRST time since the kids started playing chess MCF is conducting selection for Age Group representatives by organising a FIDE-rated event.......which should and could have been done many years back.
Hopefully, 2017's MSSM & NAG will be FIDE-rated events as well.
The FIDE-rated 2016 NATIONAL SCHOLASTICS will be held from 3-4 December 2016 at Putrajaya.
Brief Details as follows:-
VENUE: Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah, presint 1, W.P. Putrajaya
SPONSOR: Pihak Berkuasa Kemajuan Pekebun Kecil perusahaan Getah (RISDA)
ORGANISER: Malaysian Chess Federation (MCF)
Co-Organisers : Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah Putrajaya ( SGE)
: Institut Kemajuan Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (IKIAM)
: Perbadanan Putrajaya
: Majlis Belia Kawasan Putrajaya
FORMAT: 25 mins + 10s (9 Rounds)
Contact: En. Sophian 011 3950 5981 ( )
Entry Fees : RM 50
For the FIRST time since the kids started playing chess MCF is conducting selection for Age Group representatives by organising a FIDE-rated event.......which should and could have been done many years back.
Hopefully, 2017's MSSM & NAG will be FIDE-rated events as well.
The FIDE-rated 2016 NATIONAL SCHOLASTICS will be held from 3-4 December 2016 at Putrajaya.
Brief Details as follows:-
VENUE: Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah, presint 1, W.P. Putrajaya
SPONSOR: Pihak Berkuasa Kemajuan Pekebun Kecil perusahaan Getah (RISDA)
ORGANISER: Malaysian Chess Federation (MCF)
Co-Organisers : Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah Putrajaya ( SGE)
: Institut Kemajuan Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (IKIAM)
: Perbadanan Putrajaya
: Majlis Belia Kawasan Putrajaya
FORMAT: 25 mins + 10s (9 Rounds)
Contact: En. Sophian 011 3950 5981 ( )
Entry Fees : RM 50
Monday, 21 November 2016
Sunday, 20 November 2016
2 - 3rds and a 1st QF Appearance makes it 1 Awesome DAY.
( SAM classroom block at the background )
( 3rd in Sekolah Al - Mujahideen for Standard 3 )
( Bronze - Foil U12 )
( U12 Medalists - FOIL )
( Bronze Medalists - U12 Foil )
The day was supposed to start with CP participating in his first ever Sabre competition i.e. U12 sanctioned by the FTAFA. Ironically, while preparing for the Sabre event it started instead with a call from an Ustaz apologising for not informing that the Prize-Giving for the Sekolah Al-Mujahideen, DU is being held today ( this very moment) and Amir Faiz's name will be called soon to receive prize on stage. Faiz got 3rd overall.
After clearing with the organisers, we were given 30-45 minutes to rush to DU for prize-giving and just made it in time before rushing back again for competition. His FIRST ever competition ended with him qualifying for the Quarter-Finals. Very good experience and results considering.
Sabre Results:
Pool 1
Pool 1
R1: Lost 3 - 5 to Niklas
R2: WON 5 - 4 against Emin Mikyle, after being down 1-3. Note: 1st Victory in Sabre event
R3: Lost 1 - 5 to Zen Faeq.
R2: WON 5 - 4 against Emin Mikyle, after being down 1-3. Note: 1st Victory in Sabre event
R3: Lost 1 - 5 to Zen Faeq.
Lost 2 - 10 to Rayyan.
Then it was, a 1-2hours wait for the U12 Boys Foil event.
FOIL Boys U-12 Results:
Pool 1
R1: Lost 0 - 5 to Raanesh (Std.5)
R2: Lost 2 - 5 to Armand (Std.6)
R3: Won 5 - 4 against Zul (Std.3)
*****R4: Won 5 - 4 against Zen Faeq (Std.6).
Note: Huge Upset. Most probably similar like chess, when an opponent meets and underestimated a 'Younger & presumably' inexperienced fencer. Zen went on to win the event.
Crossover v. Umar (Pool 2).
7-5, 7-6,
WON: 10-9. A very close call.
v. Armand
1(CP) - 0(Armand)
2-0, 2-1, 2-2,
3-2, 3-3, 3-4...3-6, 3-7, 3-8,
4-8, 4-9,
6-11, 6-12,
7-12, 7-13,
9-14, 9-15.
Lost: 9 - 15, A much better Performance compared to earlier lost in the Pools.
Saturday, 19 November 2016
Friday, 18 November 2016
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Monday, 14 November 2016
Saturday, 12 November 2016
RUNNERS-UP, U9 @2016 Touche Grand Finals
( Runners-Up, First competition for 2016 )
( Foilists from GA Fencing )
The lack of practice showed when CP was not that aggressive throughout the U9 foil competition.
Pool A
R1: 4 - 1, (2:32 remaining) WON.
R2: 4 - 3, (close call after being down the whole match) WON.
R3: 4 - 3, (another close call)
R4: 4 - 2, (playing around after leading 3 - 0).
QF: 8 - 7, (2 rounds), WON
Finals: 2 - 7, LOST.
Sunday, 30 October 2016
After missing many competitions this year like FT Youngstars (clash with NAG), FT Closed and POWISS (insufficient training and exams).......pIRATE time is here. CP's coach have given him the go ahead to take part in back-to-back events.
He'll be taking part in Touche Junior Grand Finals at Jaya SC,PJ followed by the S.K.TTDI(1) Invitational the following week. Hopefully, he can qualify for his first international competition this year.
Thursday, 20 October 2016
KUALA LUMPUR CLOSED 2016 - Selection for KL State Team
( Registration Closes: 27 October 2016 )
The Kuala Lumpur Chess Association (KLCA) will be organising the Kuala Lumpur Closed Chess Competition 2016 (KL Closed 2016). Purpose of KL Closed 2016 is to pick players to represent the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur in selected TEAM competitions.
Details of Kuala Lumpur Closed Chess Competition 2016 are as follows:-
1. Date:
Saturday, 29th October - Sunday, 30th October 2016.
2. Venue:
Kompleks Rakan Muda Bukit Kiara,
No. 1, Jalan Bukit Kiara, 60000 Kuala Lumpur.
3. Eligibility:
A. ONLY F.T.of Kuala Lumpur players are eligible to play in the KL Closed 2016
B. Players who represented other states in this year's Malaysian Masters* and Malaysian Chess Festival team event* are NOT allowed to take part in this competition.
4. Categories:
A. Open
B. Women
Note: The Men and Women competition will be held separately. However, KLCA reserves the right to make the necessary changes depending on the final number of participants.
5. Time Control:
45 minutes per player, NO time increment.
6. Playing Schedule
A. Day 1: Saturday, 29th October 2016
Round 1: 9.00AM - 10.30AM
Round 2: 11.00AM - 12.30NOON
Round 3: 2.00PM - 3.30PM
Round 4: 4.00PM - 5.30PM
Day 2: Sunday, 30th October 2016
Round 5: 9.00AM - 10.30AM
Round 6: 11.00AM - 12.30NOON
Round 7:
PLAY-OFFS (IF, Necessary)
Note: Tentative Schedule (subject to final number of players)
7. Entrance Fees:
RM30.00 (Ringgit Malaysia: Thirty Only)
8. Registration:
45 minutes per player, NO time increment.
6. Playing Schedule
A. Day 1: Saturday, 29th October 2016
Round 1: 9.00AM - 10.30AM
Round 2: 11.00AM - 12.30NOON
Round 3: 2.00PM - 3.30PM
Round 4: 4.00PM - 5.30PM
Day 2: Sunday, 30th October 2016
Round 5: 9.00AM - 10.30AM
Round 6: 11.00AM - 12.30NOON
Round 7:
PLAY-OFFS (IF, Necessary)
Note: Tentative Schedule (subject to final number of players)
7. Entrance Fees:
RM30.00 (Ringgit Malaysia: Thirty Only)
8. Registration:
A. Players who intends to participate in the Kuala Lumpur Closed 2016, please send an email with Player's Details* to:-
A. KLCA Honorary Secretary & 2016 KL Closed - Organising Secretary
- Dr. Mohamad Shafiq: 016 - 996 0438 /
and c.c:
B. KLCA EXCO & 2016 KL Closed - Tournament Director.
- Mr. Ng Ling Gee: 012 - 383 2127 /
* Player's Details:
i. Name
ii. Date of Birth
iii. Address
v. FIDE Rating
vi. MCF ID (IF, player has no FIDE rating)
vii.National Rating(NR)
B. Closing Date for Registration: Thursday, 27 October 2016 (1.00 PM)
9. Selection Criteria:
KLCA is selecting 5 players to represent the F.T. of Kuala Lumpur team i.e. 4 players and 1 reserve.
A. 4 Players will be selected from the KL Closed 2016 competition.
i. Champion of KL Closed 2016 will automatically qualify for the Kuala Lumpur state team.
ii. Runners-Up to Fourth place finisher will qualify automatically for the KL state team IF the Fifth(5th)-placed finisher is NOT level on points.
iii. Play-offs will be conducted IF Fifth(5th)-placed finisher and below is level on points with any of the players finishing Second(2nd) to Fourth(4th) in KL Closed 2016.
B. 1 Player will be the KLCA President's pick.
C. In the event of any selected player being unable to participate in the identified competition, the KLCA President reserves the right to pick a replacement player.
KLCA is selecting 5 players to represent the F.T. of Kuala Lumpur team i.e. 4 players and 1 reserve.
A. 4 Players will be selected from the KL Closed 2016 competition.
i. Champion of KL Closed 2016 will automatically qualify for the Kuala Lumpur state team.
ii. Runners-Up to Fourth place finisher will qualify automatically for the KL state team IF the Fifth(5th)-placed finisher is NOT level on points.
iii. Play-offs will be conducted IF Fifth(5th)-placed finisher and below is level on points with any of the players finishing Second(2nd) to Fourth(4th) in KL Closed 2016.
B. 1 Player will be the KLCA President's pick.
C. In the event of any selected player being unable to participate in the identified competition, the KLCA President reserves the right to pick a replacement player.
10. Players List:
Players' List will be Published/Updated at:-
A. KLCA's site here ( ); and,
B. KLCA fB. ( )
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Time to FOCUS on EXAMS.......followed by FENCING
Having missed around 5 weeks of classes due to MSSWPKL Bangsar Zone, MSSWPKL - State Finals and MSSM in Kelantan (including training) its time for CP to focus on his year-end academic and KAFA exams.
Once done, time to focus on fencing and activate 'chess pirate' stance...with back-to-back foil and sabre competitions in November.
Once done, time to focus on fencing and activate 'chess pirate' stance...with back-to-back foil and sabre competitions in November.
Friday, 7 October 2016
Saturday, 27 August 2016
1st Time @Skill Development Arena - Horseback Riding
( Skill Development Arena - Skills Board )
( Amir Faiz, looking at the Technical Skills Board while being briefed by the Trainer )
Finally, after progressing to early trotting for a couple of months - Faiz is allowed into the Skill Development Arena for the very first time. 30minutes into the session, one can see why he is not allowed into the area earlier due to the handling skills that needs to be had by a rider to execute the moves.
( Just completed the Figure 8 move )
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
2016 MSSM @UMK, Kelantan ENDS TODAY
2016 MSSM @UMK, Pengkalan Chepa - KELANTAN
5 - Pulau Pinang. Team -U18B, U18G, U15B & U12G. Individual - U12G.
4 - F.T. of Kuala Lumpur. Team - U15G & U12B. Individual - U18G & U15B.
2 - Selangor. Individual - U18B & U12B.
1 - Negeri Sembilan. Individual - U15G
5 - 6 - 1 Pulau Pinang
4 - 1 - 1 KL
2 - 3 - 2 Selangor
1 - 0 - 1 Negeri Sembilan
0 - 1 - 1 Perak
0 - 1 - 1 Sabah
0 - 0 - 3 Johor
0 - 0 - 1 Kedah
0 - 0 - 1 Putrajaya
Pulau Pinang, 123pts
Selangor, 96pts
Kuala Lumpur, 91pts
4 - Johor & Perak, 57pts
6 - Kedah, 47pts
7 - Sabah, 45pts
8 - Kelantan, 44pts
9 - Negeri Sembilan, 43pts
10 - Pahang, 42pts
11 - Sarawak, 40pts
12 - Putrajaya, 31pts
13 - Terengganu, 30pts
14 - Melaka, 24pts
15 - Perlis, 22pts
Saturday, 13 August 2016
Sunday, 7 August 2016
BLACK DAY for MALAYSIAN CHESS - 2016 Commonwealth Chess Champiionship, Sri Lanka)
in Malaysian Chess History "
Despite the players and parents of the Malaysian Team to the 2016 Commonwealth Chess Championship in Sri Lanka making payments as per instruction by MCF Official (identified as "MCF-02") / MCF, the fees were not paid by MCF-02/MCF to the organisers of the event.
I was informed, the end result was that in order to leave the venue and Sri Lanka,
the Malaysian Team had to make a 2nd payment to the organisers despite payment being made much earlier to MCF-02 / MCF.
Monday, 1 August 2016
Friday, 22 July 2016
( CP,flanked by Setiawangsa Member of Parliament Dato'Zahari & SK Ayer Panas Headmistress )
( U10 Final Ranking - 2016 MSSWPKL State Finals )
( U10 Final Ranking - 2016 MSSWPKL State Finals )
Knowing what was at stake after "fooling around" in this year's Bangsar Zone, Amir Faiz was in "serious mode" on the board throughout the competition and only dropped half a point during the event.
However, when comparing his 2016 performance compared to his previous win in 2014 - this time around Faiz's performance was not as outstanding as his 100% record i.e. 7/7 in 2014.
Track Record in MSSWPKL State Finals, Individual competition:-
2016: CHAMPION - U10. 6.5pts/7. SK Ayer Panas, Setapak.
2015: Runners-Up (after Tie-break) - U10. 6pts/7. SK R10, Wangsa Maju.
2014: CHAMPION - U9. 7 pts/7. SK Desa Tun Hussein Onn, Setiawangsa
Note: 2014 MSSWPKL Report
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Melaka names its 2016 MSSM Team for Kelantan
Players representing Melaka for the 2016 MSSM to be held in Kelantan have been named by the state's newly-appointed PT Catur i.e. Cikgu Azrul.
Refer " SENARAI PESERTA NEGERI MELAKA 2016 " for the complete list.
Refer " SENARAI PESERTA NEGERI MELAKA 2016 " for the complete list.
Sunday, 5 June 2016
( hAnA & her Mentor Nurhayati, Acting President of the PJ Chapter. Maiden Public Speech, PJ )
After helping to organise this year's edition of the KYS Debating Championship in Melaka,
hAnA made her first Public Speech at the 31st Youth Leadership Camp organised by the MIM-PJ Toastmaster PJ Club in Shah's Village Hotel, PJ.
Sunday, 29 May 2016
5th Piala YDP MPSJ 2016, hAnA is Best Girl & CP's Streak Ends at 13!
( Second year running, getting a prize at Piala YDP MPSJ )
In the just concluded 2016 Piala YDP MPSJ, Farhana received the Best Female Player prize in the U18 category which carries with it a RM50 cash prize.
( First cash prize for the year after 4 competitions )
However, CP's winning game streak which began at the U17 DPulze event ended at 13 wins (Last Round@2nd DPulze U17, 7 rounds@Piala DS Komalam U12 & 5 rounds@5th Piala YDP MPSJ U12) after the loss in Round 6. Will he ever beat his own 17-Game Winning streak record? Only CP knows the answer to that.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
( Amira Farhana receiving the Gold Medal and Certificate of Achievement )
Finally, after 2 years of attending college in Melaka hAnA won her first title in Melaka i.e. the Majlis Sukan Sekolah-Sekolah Negeri Melaka (MSSNM) Girls U15 - Champion. The event was held at S.K. Demang Taha. Last year in Jasin, Amira Farhana Amirul finished third in her maiden outing in Melaka in the same category (read 2015 blog POST).
( KYS Team excluding the U18 Girls who played yesterday.
All from KYS went on stage )
Farhana's third title since she started playing chess happened in the third state after Selangor (read 2013 blogPOST ) and Kuala Lumpur.
2016 MSSNM U15 Girls Pairimgs and Results:-
( Round 1 Results )
( Round 2 Pairings )
( Round 3 Pairings )
( Round 5 Pairings )
( Round 6 Pairings )

( First, Standing after Round 6 )
( Round 7 Pairings )
( Round 5 Pairings )
( Round 6 Pairings )
( First, Standing after Round 6 )
( Round 7 Pairings )
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