Thursday, 16 April 2015

Discharged on TUESDAY from DSH - TQVM to the Chess Community for the Prayers & Visitations

Down with dengue for more than 2 weeks and discharged from DSH on Tuesday after managing to just evade the ICU with a lowest platelet count of 19. Still recovering albeit slowly. Missed giving a Public Talk on Economics and the Constitution in Seri Menanti, N.Sembilan as well as some other events and launches to which I would like to apologise to the event organisers. Also missed were the kids' numerous activities.

I would like to take this opportunity to the chess community and friends for the "Kind Prayers Offered" and "Get Well Soon" messages.Special thanks goes to members of the chess community who had visited me in hospital led by the KLCA President, EXCO Members and chess friends who had taken the time to visit me in hospital.

Hope to recover fully by next month and resume normal activities...and a bit more!

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