Thursday, 20 November 2014


 ( 2 prizes for hAnA)
( Anugerah Holistik Tahun 1 - Amir Faiz Amirul )

Its prize-giving day today or officially called "Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang" for academic purposes and both hAnA and CP received an invitation earlier in the week on a green-coloured letter to attend the ceremony which is supposed to begin at 8AM.

After yesterday's Majlis Anugerah Kokurikulum,, its the second day running that hAnA gets to go on stage. hAnA gets her "regular" academic prizes which we have come to expect. It is also CP's second day running to go on stage after yesterday when the school finally "re-awarded" his 10th Asian School's Runners-Up Trophy (read August 2014 blogPOST). Based on the invitation received, CP will be given the "Anugerah Holistik". What the anugerah is for I've no idea but perhaps its something academic related.

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