Sunday, 7 July 2013

Why "YOUNG CIKU v. OLD Fxxt"?

Somebody relayed to me - how can you think of a name like that...a tad to disrespectful to John.

My explanation:-
First and foremost, the term "Old Fxxt" does not refer to John per se. It can refer to anyone within a certain age group...and older than the cHEss pIRATE laaa! Kapish!?

...and the name for the event / title?.....Well, in the Malaysian Chess Federation (MCF) official blog, it is stated that there would be an event called "LEGEND v. YOUNG TALENT" Match which would be held from 13-19 June 2013 at NCCE. Read HERE.

Hence, I thought....why not a spoof event similar to other spoofs like Weird Al Jankovic's "Eat It" spoof song of MIchael Jackson's "Beat It" (there's also a local version called "Bidin"!) or, the film Hot Shot which was a spoof to Tom Cruise's TOP GUN.

Come on laaaa....John & I have been calling each other "names" since the last millennium!
Sponsors for Part 3 and subsequent parts aré always welcomed, Any Takers??.....Salleh....Nik...???

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